Monday, January 28, 2008

Inhale, bubble...bubble...bubble

I accomplished my first open water dives yesterday. I'm 1 day away from getting Open Water Scuba Certified.

It was quite fantastic.

We reviewed some of the things I learned during the shallow water dives, which had taken me to about 15ft of depth. I flooded my mask and cleared it under water, towed a "tired" diver and made switching from my regulator to my snorkel at the surface a routine.

But what was really cool was getting to explore the lagoon floor 40ft beneath the surface. On both dives, my instructor and I descended to a point where we couldn't see the surface anymore. I thought it'd get dark, but at that depth it was just as bright as the surface.

The highlight was on the first dive, where we saw a big lion fish. They look like fat armoured samuri with a fan of knives protruding from top and sides. This one's body was a little bigger than a basketball, but its spikes came out another 2ft. It was resting quietly beneath a coral ledge.

Next weekend we'll accomplish a few more tasks and explore 60ft down in two dives (the maximum I'm allowed to descend with this certification) and we'll send away for my PADI member card.


Dad said...

Lots of fun but be very carefull. Always respect the water. It can swallow you up. Happy diving.

Anonymous said...

Hi Steve, Christina again, Lison's co-worker and travel buddy. I'm a NAUI certified diver. If you can get your hands on one, get yourself a 'pony' tank, a 30cu, with separate regulator, do so. Comes in real handy if you have a problem with your main tank and regulator. And follow your Dad's advice!

Steve said...

Christina, thanks for the advice. I'm not quite at the point of buying equipment. But I definitely agree that a pony tank is an extra precaution worth taking, especially if I'm with a buddy that doesn't stick close enough.

By the way, I'll myself be PADI certified.